Welcome to Perryville High School–home of the Panthers. Perryville High School is part of the Cecil County Public School system with an enrollment of 775 students.
The photo above shows an empty stadium but this school and its fields and facilities are an integral part of our town and the surrounding communities it serves. Unfortunately, much of the infrastructure is in need of repair or replacement after years of use.
Needed Stadium Improvements
For now, let’s talk about the facilities in and around our stadium. There are three areas that need maintenance:
But These Improvements Cost Money–a lot of money
According to the FY 2015 Board of Education Budget Request, the projects above are estimated to cost:
- Track replacement–$250,000
- Field house–$2,000,000
- Synthetic surface (turf)–$1,100,000
And while the best we can hope for in the coming fiscal year may only be the replacement of the track, we need to be vocal about the needs of our schools in order for the board of education to get the necessary funding from the Cecil County Council. We need to be just as vocal in our support of CCPS as those who would rather not provide adequate school funding.
What Can You Do?
Contact the County Executive and members of the County Council and encourage them to support the CCPS budget.
- Tari Moore–County Executive–tmoore@ccgov.org
- Alan McCarthy–Vice President–amccarthy@ccgov.org
- Joyce Bowlsbey–jbowlsbey@ccgov.org
- Michael Dunn–mdunn@ccgov.org
- Diana Broomell–dbroomell@ccgov.org
- Robert Hodge–President–rhodge@ccgov.org